If you have a structured settlement that you need to sell but don’t know where to begin, you’re in the right place. Structured settlements, which may be the result of a personal injury lawsuit, wrongful death, or medical malpractice, can take time to be paid out.
Because of this, many people opt to sell a structured settlement they have received. By selling all of it, you get your payout all at once instead of in payments. If you are interested in selling your structured settlement and want to learn how to do it, keep reading.
The Process
Once you decide to sell a structured settlement, you have to find a company such as We Pay More Funding that is willing to buy it. There is a process to go through when selling a structured settlement or annuity. First, you must obtain a quote, receive a disclosure statement, and then sign a contract. If you have an attorney of your own, you can have them review the documents prior to you signing them.
The Result
If you are happy with the terms of the contract, you turn over your structured settlement and in turn, you get a lump sum. The process requires a judge’s approval and typically takes one to two months to complete, but once it is approved you get your lump sum payment almost immediately. Then, you can use this to pay off medical bills, make up for lost wages, and anything else.