You can’t pay every bill with a credit card. As easy as that would make things, it’s just not possible in some cases (especially utility bills!), and you’ll need cash, sometimes right away. When you come up short at the end of the month and your next paycheck isn’t...
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Questions to Ask Before You Buy Tax Debt Leads
Every sales person has to face the question at some point – am I ready to have an instant spike in my business and buy fresh sales leads? You must be mentally and physically prepared to take on the high level of calls, emails and inquiries. Buying tax debt leads will...
Need a Proof of Funds Letter or SWIFT Message Services?
Are you anticipating purchasing a new home, investing in a commercial company, or engaging in another large-scale transaction? When banks become involved in transactions, it’s always helpful when purchasers provide adequate proof via SWIFT messages that they have...
The Best Way To Capitalize On Index Annuity Rates
An index annuity is a contract between a financial institution and a policy holder which can guarantee returns in the future for an initial investment now. This is a good option for those who are looking to make an investment in the present to guarantee future returns...
How Much You Should Borrow on a Payday Loan
When you are borrowing money it can be extremely tempting to borrow as much as you possibly can. However, if you wind up taking too large of a loan, you may find out you are swimming in more debt than you are able to comfortably afford to pay back. Just because you...